Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pre Departure - part 2

Greetings to all those interested!

Today is the 23 of July, meaning that in 33 short days my lovely love and I will be jettisoning off the ground in search of fabulous and memorable adventure on the fabled island "Formosa", or more modernly known as Taiwan.

Formosa is Italian, I believe, meaning: Beautiful Island. And from the pictures I've seen of Taiwan, I can believe it. and in just over a month, we will be there, eating the freshest seafood and experiencing a whole different world and people. I can hardly contain myself! :D

We(perfection and I((perfection=Becky Husky)) ) will be keeping this blog up to date hopefully, and not too entwined in the delights of Taiwanese culture to remember to post a blog every now and then.

We are going to try and get some research done here in the next month as to any customs or traditions we should be aware of that the Taiwanese people hold, so as to not be offensive. If anyone reading this blog has any clue of those, please let us know! The last thing we want is to anger our host!

Anyways, preperations are almost complete, and the flight day is steadily(yet also very rapidly!) approaching. We are awaiting our visas to return from K.C., and we began the vaccination process for HEPA and B, which through our research seemed to be the most important shots to get(we hope...:P )

Well, to all(if any!) of our readers out there, stay tuned as our grand adventure into Taiwan unfolds!!!!

Jake Adams