As it turns out, our Taiwanese friends (in the photo above) are members of the B.F.S.A (Black Faced Spoonbill Conversation Association), a group dedicated to saving the nearly extinct Black Faced Spoonbill, and often spend their time recording animal populations (hence the clipboard and binoculars).
Cigu is an area mostly covered in ponds (both man-made and natural).
We spotted many people fishing from the side of the road, as you can see in the photo above.
We saw tons of birds that day. In the picture above is a multitude of ducks, nearly 600 (my camera couldn't zoom in far enough, but they're the dots in the distance).
(above) A large "book" at one of the bird watching sites, explaining the protected area and its species.
(above) This bird site had several viewing holes to watch a flock of Black Faced Spoonbills: they rest by day and are active by night.
(above) Some of the Spoonbills taking flight.
(above) After birdwatching, we visited "Salt Mountain." Yep, that's made entirely of salt. The picture below gives its history.
(above) Taken from the top of Salt Mountain. In the picture is a sort of fourwheeler meets go-cart raceway.
(above, also taken from the top of SM) I have no idea what this is.
(above) A smaller salt mountain that Jake decided to climb.
(above) The walkway by Salt Mountain was made from broken pottery washed over by salt water.
Yeah, that place was all about salt. Salt coffee, roasted salt nuts, and even ...
... salty icecream. Jake's flavor was Blue Algae Grape (with salt, of course, and chunks of what resembled shriveled grapes) and mine was something with almonds and salt. They weren't bad ... but, quite different from your standard sugar-flavored icrecream.
Until next time, thanks.